Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rafael Gonzlez / Koobaatoo Asparagus Split 3"Cdr

                            Rafael Gonzlez / Koobaatoo Asparagus Split 3"Cdr

Koobaatoo Asparagus The Repeat Star System Harsh / Noise

                             Koobaatoo Asparagus The Repeat Star System
                              Harsh / Noise

Rafael González & Koobaatoo Aspragus C-60

                             Rafael González & Koobaatoo Aspragus C-60

Koobaatoo Asparagus 44.1Khz Cdr Harsh / Noise

                                           Koobaatoo Asparagus 44.1Khz
                                                      Harsh / Noise